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Alim Shakhmametyev (Conductor)

Alim Shakhmametiev graduated from Saint-Petersburg conservatoire to the name of Rimsky-Korsakov on two faculties (choir and opera-symphonic conducting). Being a pupil of a wonderful pleiad of Leningrad-Petersburg musicians, in particular I. Musin and F. Kozlov, Alim Shakhmametiev also trained in Europe — In Weimar High school of music to the name of F.Liszt (Germany). 

Since 1994 Shakhmametiev is having an active concert life, prepares programs and performs with different symphonic, chamber orchestras, academic choirs, makes performances in musical theatres. Among collectives collaborating with Alim Shakhmametiev are: 

Symphonic orchestra of Saint – Petersburg philharmonic 
Saint – Petersburg state symphonic orchestra 
Chamber orchestra of Saint-Petersburg conservatoire 
International symphonic orchestra «Let’s Make Music» (Great Britain) 
Weimar Chapel Orchestra (Germany) 
Orchestra of North-Ossetian state philharmonic (Vladikavkaz) 
Chamber choir Grand Rapids (the USA) 
Opera and ballet theatre of Saint-Petersburg conservatoire 
Saint-Petersburg state theatre of music comedy 
Californian opera theatre (the USA) and many others. 

Alim Shakhmametiev tours to the USA, Germany, France, was awarded a prize «Prize of artist public recognition» (California, the USA). 
Held premiers of famous composers compositions: B. Tishchenko, V.Uspensky, S.Slonimsky, I.Rogalev etc. 

Till 2005 the conductor combined concert activity and educational work. Shakhmametiev taught at Saint-Petersburg conservatoire, Saint-Petersburg university of culture and art, held master-classes abroad (Fresno Opera Institute, the USA). 

Since 2008 Alim Shakhmametiev is the principal conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of Novosibirsk Philharmonic.

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