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Victoria Evtodeva (Soprano)

Victoria Evtodieva is a graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatory. She is a laureate of many international competitions including the Enschede Chamber Music Competition in 1994 (First Prize), the Hannover Schostakovitch Competition in 1997 (First Prize), and the Tchaikovsky Competition in 1998.

Her repertoire covers almost five centuries of European and Russian music. From one hand, the singer is soloist with Musica Antiqua Russica under the direction of Vladimir Shulyakovsky, specialising in 16th-18th century music. From another, she frequently performs in Russia contemporary works by living composers (Part, Kanchelli, Taverner, Kurtag, Desyatnikov) and abroad with famous Belgian ensembles Spectra and Oxalys.

Victoria Evtodieva has recorded three monographic discs with the songs of Prokofiev, Schostakovich and Tchaikovsky to critical acclaim both in Russia and abroad. Other CD recordings include Russian 18 century music, selected works of Pergolesi with Musica Antiqua Russica, and songs of Glinka and Glasunov.

As a regular guest of the St Petersburg Philharmonic, Victoria Evtodieva has performed a wide range of cantatas, oratorios, opera and symphonic compositions by J.S.Bach, Handel, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven and Verdi. Se has been regularly invited by Gidon Kremer to the Festival in Lockenhaus (Austria). Also she participated in contemporary music festivals in Belgium, Russia, Early Music Festivals in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Slovenia, Germany, Estonia and Spain.

She continues to perform successfully in different opera enterprises both in Russia and abroad. Besides her concert career Victoria Evtodieva gives master classes all over the world, and teaches chamber singing at the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

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