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Concert Organ Evening. Alexey PARSHIN
Maestro Yury Temirkanov Grand Philharmonic Hall (established 1802)

Schedule for Organ Evening. Alexey PARSHIN 2022

Alexei Parshin was born in 1957 in Moscow. He began his musical studies under A. Artobolevskaya. In 1975 he graduated from Central Music School in Moscow (the piano class of I. Kliatchko). From 1975 to 1981 A. Parshin studied piano with M. Voskressensky and organ with L. Roizman at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory where in 1981 he obtained the Diploma of Concert Artist, Teacher and Accompanist. Following a postgraduate course in organ he joined the teacher staff of the Moscow Conservatory in 1984.
A. Parshin was granted a French State Cultural Scholarship in 1987 for a year during which time he was enrolled in the organ class of Marie-Claire Alain at the National Regional Conservatory in Rueil-Malmaison. There he received the Gold Medal (unanimously) and gave several recitals in France, notably at Notre Dame de Paris, Basilique Cathedral Saint-Denis, Cite International des Arts de Paris. He also studied improvisation; Jacques Taddei was his professor.

At the age of 13 A. Parshin made his debut as pianist in the Great Hall of Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. In 1980 he began his career as an organist. Alexei Parshin gives many recitals in concert halls, cathedrals, and churches in Russia, Europe, and America. He has recorded numerous CDs. Honored Artist of Russian Federation (1999).

What is especially dear to me in Alexei Parshin's manner - whom I rate as one of the most talented musicians of Russia - is his perfect virtuosity, his coloristic treatment of organ, originality of his way of thinking and his utter conviction that classical music could be and should be interesting to the widest audience.
Michael Tariverdiev

Alexei Parshin, a young Moscow organist in the opinion of professionals is one of the finest musicians of the present generation .... His brilliant performance at the opening ceremony of the Vlll-th Festival of Earlier and Contemporary Chamber Music has proved to be a true gala night.
"Vecherniaya Ufa" ("The Evening Ufa")

L?on Boellmann's "Suite Gothique" as it was presented by Alexei Parshin has produced the effect of luxuriant and magestic sound. Nevertheless, it was the very music by I.S.Bach that became the event namely the Grand Prelude and Fugue in E minor known for its profund philosophical thought. Alexei Parshin, a disciple of the renowned organist and pedagogue Leonid Roizmann, demonstrated high class professionalism and a mature personality in his craft. The diversity of the character of the music he choose that night gave him an opportunity to show all his potential in the technique he had mastered to express different moods.
"Svoy Golos" ("The Own Voice", Krasnoyarsk)

Alexei Parshin is one of those few organists who include into their programmes the music of the French composers of the XVII-th and the first half of the XVIII-th centuries. The difficulty of performing that music is connected with the rules of ornamentation, rhythmical peculiarities of the French organ music of that epoch. A sabbatical year in Paris under the guidance of a prominent organist and a pedagogue Marie-Claire Alain gave a certain stimulus to the deep penetration into the world of the french Baroque organ art. Indeed, exquisite, elegant and at the same time brilliant style of the French organ art finds its perfect incarnation in the artistic personality and the manner of performance of Alexei Parshin. Amazing technique, the scope of artistic imagination both in fragile French miniatures and in larger dramatic works by I.S.Bach with constant attention to minute details never fail to attract public interest.
"The Russian Musician", Moscow

Alexei Parshin is an artist of a great talent.
"La voix du Nord", France

Alexej Parschin geh?rt heute zu den besten Orgelspielern Ru?lands. Seine Auftritte sind f?r Musikliebhaber stets ein Ereignis und Erlebnis besonderer Art.
"Neues Leben"

Alexei Parshin's performance is notable for passionate reticence, culture, logic, and deceptive easiness only to real master inherent.
"Russian Musical Newspaper"

Clearness dominated in Parshin's performing manner. Baroque music flourished rich, mighty images.
"News of Nizhni Novgorod

Schedule for Organ Evening. Alexey PARSHIN 2022

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